Sexual Wellness Shots for Men
Take Control of Your Sexual Health: Sexual Wellness Shots for Men
What is the Men’s Sexual Wellness Shot?
The Men’s Sexual Wellness Shot is a safe, in-office procedure designed to improve men’s sexual function. It’s normal to experience low sex drive, the inability to get an erector, or even pain during sex. What our patients don’t have to do is accept these things as an inevitable loss of their sexual health. The Men’s Sexual Wellness Shot utilizes the body’s natural healing capabilities to stimulate cell regeneration and initiate tissue repair, restoring sexual pleasure and function. The platelets are harvested from the patient at the time of the procedure as a small amount of blood is drawn via venipuncture. The Men’s Sexual Wellness Shot uses the patient’s own plasma, decreasing side effects and making it a safe and natural erectile dysfunction treatment. This is a safe, effective procedure that aids in repairing the tissues of the penis and improving overall sexual wellness. The Men’s Sexual Wellness Shot treats a range of men’s sexual health issues including:
- Erectile Dysfunction
- Decreased Sensation
- Painful Erections
- Penile Curvature caused by Peyronie’s Disease

Should I Get the Men’s Sexual Wellness Shot?
The Men’s Sexual Wellness Shot’s advantages can positively impact your confidence, sexual health, and mental well-being. Take the steps to improve your sexual health and confidence with the Men’s Sexual Wellness Shot. Results of the Men’s Sexual Wellness Shot include:
- Firmer, longer-lasting Erections: Platelet-rich plasma can help restore blood flow to penile tissues, resulting in firmer, longer-lasting erections.
- Improved Sexual Stamina:
- Enhanced Sensitivity: The Men’s Sexual Wellness Shot can increase penile sensitivity, thereby increasing sexual fulfillment.
- Increased Penile Length and Girth: Many patients have reported a noticeable increase in penile girth after receiving the Men’s Sexual Wellness Shot.
How Does the Men’s Sexual Wellness Shot Work?
The Men’s Sexual Wellness Shot is a minimally invasive procedure designed to enhance your sexual performance, increase sensitivity, and overall improve your sexual wellness and health. The Men’s Sexual Wellness Shot process includes consultation with our professional medical staff to address your symptoms and focus on patient education, assessing if the Men’s Sexual Wellness Shot is the right treatment for you.
A blood sample is collected via venipuncture (blood draw). Once the plasma has been extracted it is injected into treatment-related areas of the genitals. A topical anesthetic is used to ensure the procedure is effective with minimal discomfort. The injection helps stimulate healthy tissue growth, rejuvenating the penile and improving blood flow. Results last about 12-18 months, it will vary between patients and their treatment needs and symptoms.
Patients can resume their normal daily activities, even sexual activities, on the same day. Some patients report swelling or bruising in the injection sites.

Sexual Wellness Treatments at Anodyne Pain and Health Group
You’ll receive caring, respectful, factual care for your sexual health and wellness concerns at Anodyne Pain and Health Group. Your sexual health is part of your overall health and wellness and shouldn’t be ignored or avoided out of embarrassment. If you’re ready to talk to a provider about improving your sexual health and are interested in the Men’s Sexual Wellness Shot procedure, contact us today to find a Men’s Sexual Wellness Shot provider near you.