Revitalize Your Sexual Health: O-Shot Treatment for Women

Revitalize Your Sexual Health: O-Shot Treatment for Women

What is the O-Shot?

The O-Shot (Orgasm Shot) is a non-invasive in-office procedure that utilizes the patient’s natural healing process, which is extracted from the patient’s blood, to improve and enhance sexual function and improve overall sexual well-being for women. This is a safe, effective treatment option for women looking to improve their sexual health and wellness and treat stubborn symptoms of sexual dysfunction. Natural rejuvenation treatments are common, safe, and regularly used to treat serious injuries and aid in surgical recovery.

Is the O-Shot for Me?

The O-Shot is for any woman looking to improve their sexual health and wellness and can be a transformative treatment for women experiencing sexual health issues such as:

  • Low Libido: Women who struggle with arousal and have lost interest in sex.
  • Vaginal Dryness: The O-Shot can improve lubrication for women who experience discomfort during sex due to vaginal dryness.
  • Difficulty Achieving Orgasm: The O-shot can be life-changing for women experiencing weak orgasms or struggling to reach orgasm.
  • Lichen Sclerosus: The O-Shot also treats lichen sclerosus, a painful skin condition of the vulva.
  • Stress Urinary Incontinence: For women struggling with their pelvic floor strength, the O-Shot can strengthen the pelvic floor muscles and reduce urinary incontinence caused by coughing, sneezing, or activity.
  • Vaginal Pain: The O-Shot can help treat pain caused by vaginal mesh and other implants


How Does the O-Shot Work?

The O-Shot can potentially improve your sexual health, allowing you to connect with your partner, stigma-free and anxiety-free. The O-Shot process includes:


  • Consultation with our professional medical staff to address questions, and concerns, and assess if the O-shot is the right treatment to meet your needs. 
  • Blood sample collection for the plasma extraction process.
  • Once the plasma has been extracted, it is carefully injected into areas of the genitals. A topical anesthetic is used to ensure the procedure is effective with minimal discomfort. The injection helps stimulate healthy tissue growth, rejuvenating the vaginal area and increasing sensitivity.
  • Most women experience minor spotting or bleeding from the procedure but many can resume their normal daily activities, including sexual activities, that same day if they choose to. 
  • Results last about 12-18 months, it will vary between patients and their treatment needs. 

O-Shot Benefits

    • Increased sexual sensation
    • Improved lubrication
    • Treatment for sexual dysfunction
    • Enhanced orgasms
    • Increased ability to reach orgasm
    • Fast, safe, and non-invasive

When you walk through our doors at Anodyne Pain and Health Group, we aim to show you that you’re in caring hands. By focusing on minimally invasive procedures we are able to provide our clients the results they are looking for without the timid stigma that plagues the industry.

Sexual Wellness Treatments at Anodyne Pain and Health Group

At Anodyne Pain and Health Group, you’ll receive respectful, honest care for your sexual health and wellness concerns. Your sexual health is part of your overall health and wellness and shouldn’t be ignored or avoided. We’re dedicated to meeting you where you are in your sexual health journey and can offer minimally invasive treatments to help you achieve a fulfilling, enjoyable, and healthy sex life. If you’re ready to talk to a provider about improving your sexual health and are interested in the O-shot procedure, contact us today to find an O-shot Specialist near you.